by siteeditor | Oct 27, 2020 | All Blogs
How many of you have come out a Life Design workshop, feeling pretty rather drained? You should be. It’s an intensive 2-day workshop, a total of 4 online hours. The concept is an interesting one, providing some sort of framework and “design thinking” to one’s life....
by siteeditor | Oct 14, 2020 | All Blogs
Remember the time when we were growing up, we were often told “Everybody is entitled to their own opinion and the truth prevails”. Is this still true? The truth may prevail over time but usually perception matters more. Sometimes facts do not matter anymore when...
by admin | Sep 14, 2020 | All Blogs
Every Story has an Ending and Every Ending has a New Chapter. Career Transition comes with different stages people go through as they step out of their previous role and start afresh. This transition could be caused by an impetuous change in your life. For example,...